Friday, May 1, 2009

Monetising your blog

Monetising your blog

Making money from your blog involves quite a few things: a willingness to work harden entrepreneurial / businesslike approach knowledge of / willingness to learn relevant web technologies monetising strategy consistently implementing the strategy all these ingredients are crucial to turning your blog from a non-paying though passionate source of personal expression to a solid revenue stream.

To motivate you in this direction you can consider the fact that may bloggers earn upwards of $100 per day and some even cross the $1000 per day mark. Moreover, these figures have been achieved with little or no startup costs other than the time spent in writing and maintaining their blogs. Just as importantly. Also consider the fact that for every successful blogger. 99 others are this chapter, we look at both the 'soft' skills required as well as the techniques that you can use to extract revenue from your blog.

The basics

Some of the concepts in this section are covered in greater depth in other chapters. It is being included here again as these techniques and attitudes are crucial in creating and maintaining a successful blog. Only if your blog is a success that is with hundreds and thousands of daily visitors can you then focus on deriving money from it.

Attitude, commitment and consistency

Before we look at the different revenue streams that are possible with blogging. the first thing to sort out is your mental attitude. Blogging for money, like any other entrepreneurial activity, is hard work. it is in fact, the single hardest thing that your will have to face if you are serious in transitioning front a passionate blogger to a professional one. this does not mean that you leave your passion behind. The only difference being that now your passion is now going to be a source of income also.

The key factor that separates successful bloggers from the unsuccessful ones is commitment. of course, success can be defined in many different way but for the purposes of this chapter we consider a successful blog as one that has hundreds of thousands of daily visitors. a blogger who is successful with his blog has primarily committed himself to being passionate about his interest and providing visitors with relevant information. note that at this stage revenue is not an issue. Transitioning from just sharing your passion on a subject to actually making money from your passion may sound simple but in actual practice, there are complications.

When you are passionate about blogging, you may find that you have ambivalent feelings about earning money from your blog. if you believe that using your passion to earn money is wrong then you first need to decide whether you do want to use your blog to earn a living or not. Once you commit yourself though the sky literally is the limit.

Commitment not only involves a desire and willingness to be a professional blogger. it also means being consistent with your postings. A blog is a service, albeit, in many cases a free one but nevertheless it serves an audience. In one sense you could consider your site visitors as customers who pay you by visiting your site. The means that you have to be consistent in your postings to attract an audience.

Once you begin posting regularly you will attract an audience of readers who will form the initial base. This trickle of readers will continue to evolve and grow and many will come to your blog expecting fresh content one each visit. This expectation of your audience you can control to some extent by deciding how often you are going to post. Remember that it is difficult to scale back from posting several times a day to once a day to several times a week without having an impact on your readership.

A better approach would be to start slow and increase the frequency, as you get comfortable with balancing blogging with the rest of your daily schedule. Give yourself sufficient time and be realistic about how often you can post. If you can initially post once a week, make sure you stick to the once a week schedule until you are comfortable with it and are ready to increase the posting frequency. Remember that your visitors will come to expect your posts according to the pace you set. a once a week post will attract a once a week audience and so on.

Another technique is to set goals for yourself. Take the time to write down a monetization strategy and commit yourself to certain time bound goals on what you would like to achieve in that time. For example, you may decide that you want to be in the technorati top 10000 in six months. Once you define specific goals you can then focus your energies in working in that direction.

Once again, we would like to stress that getting your blog to be successful requires hard work and serious commitment on the blog author's part to continually keep the content of the blog fresh and updated.

Quality of content

Quality is a very subjective term. The primary mark of a quality blog is the content. This has less to do with the language and more to do with the subject matter under discussion. Most web visitors will be forgiving of occasional grammatical and spelling errors if the content is high quality and is not directly relevant to the site's topic. Example, if you are writing about jet engines, the emphasis will be on the technical details and accuracy of what you state language will not be so important. if however your blog is about writing or language then obviously, you definitely need to pay attention to the quality of the language as well as the content.

The balance between gaining the respect of your readers through what you write and the importance of keeping your language error free is a fine line that is always not very clear. This primarily depends on the topic and the demographics of the audience. Fortunately, in most cases you will receive sufficient warnings from your readers on what you are doing wrong. Pay attention to negative remarks. Judge for yourself whether it is an exaggerated personal viewpoint and can be safely ignored or whether the it is genuinely warranted. If the criticism is constructive, accept it in good grace and go about making the necessary changes, genuine blogs are built on the ability of the writers to express themselves honestly and passionately, as well as on their ability to accept constructive criticism graciously and take corrective measures.

If you feel that your writing is not up to the mark and could do with some improvement, blogging is one way to practice. Also there are plenty of writing resources available on the web to help your improve your writing skills. Aim to be clear in your language and avoid using ling sentences. Group thoughts into paragraphs and use the minimum number of words to express the maximum. Avoid repetition unless the context warrants it.

The focus on creating relevant content is to make your website more search engine friendly. There is a whole industry around the concept of optimizing your web site for search engines. the general industry term for this activity is search engine optimization or SEO.

There is good SEO and bad SEO, sometimes called white hat and black hat SEO. Good SEO techniques follow guidelines laid down by search engines in making their sites search engine friendly. For those who are serious about turning blogging into a long term income source there is only type of SEO to pay attention to good SEO.

There are unethical SEO methods that may temporarily boost a blog's search engine ranking but ultimately, this could prove disastrous. if the search engines determine that what you are doing is not permitted and is only designed to boost rankings without any relevant content, they can penalize and black list your site. Unfortunately, search engines do not give a clear set of guidelines on what is permitted and what is not. this is because those who try to artistically boost their rankings that the search engines use to detect good content from bad content.

Invariably those who use black hat SEO are not bothered about providing quality content on their site. Their primary interest is in luring visitors to their websites and getting them to click on advertising links. Luckily, for those who are interested in building a good quality blog with a lot of useful content, there is only one SEO guideline to keep in mind create good, high quality, useful content. search engines will in any case index your site and provide links to your site when relevant search queries are entered.

Deciding on the topic

If you are new to blogging or are still floundering about for a topic to blog with, remember that your topic should be something that you are passionate about, are an expert in or something that you are interested in enough to want to deeply research and write about. Your visitors, in all likelihood, will be research and write about. Your visitors, in all likelihood, will be just as interested as you are in the topic and your blog may become their default source of information on the subject. Also try and keep the topic as broad as possible to give you a wide choice of advertisers and the possibility of having a near limitless supply of content to create. With a very narrow topic it may be difficult to continually, find new and fresh content to blog on daily.

The topic you decide on will also determine your ability to turn it into a revenue source, given that there are about 1 billion people connected to the internet as of now, the chances are that almost any topic will have an audience of interested enthusiasts.

However, for a blog to make money there will need to be a minimum number of regular visitors that can then be translated into revenue. There is no fixed benchmark to determine the ideal number of regular visitors. For a niche up market topic, it may be sufficient if you are passionate about sailing and wish to create a steady income. On the other hand, if you are blogging on a wider interest topic like say, celebrities, you may need an audience in the tens of thousands before you can consider monetising your blog.

Building traffic

The single most important thing that will separate your blog from the rest of the crowd can be reduced to a single word: traffic. if your blog does not have visitors, there is very little you can do to monetise it. Income from your blog is a function of traffic that is, the move the traffic, the more the potential income you can generate. if you are able to consistently increase the number of visitors to your blog your income will grow proportionately. This is a self-stoking cycle. The more visitors you have to your blog, the more you will attract

All of the techniques discussed in this fast track contribute to building traffic. However, all these are secondary to the primary point of importance: high quality, focused content.

Building a blog with high quality content is the only sure fire way to ensure that you attract traffic that will consistently grow. High quality content is something that will engage your users and want them to revisit your site again and again. this means that you will need to take the time and effort to think through each of your postings and to set high standards for yourself.

in the beginning, when you start out, the focus can be less on quality and more on just making sure that you meet your posting schedule. This is because for most bloggers the main problem is not about delivering quality content but the commitment to maintaining a consistent schedule. once you get comfortable in your posting schedule you can then pay closer to attention to maintaining and enhancing the quality of your content.

by paying attention to the quality of your blog posts and keeping focused on your topic area, you are doing two things you are consciously or involuntarily educating yourself in the subject area. This will make you something of an expert in your area of interest. Second, you are positioning yourself as a trustworthy source of information on that particular topic. These two factors will act as the reinforcing glue that will keep attracting visitors back to your site.

For the first few months forget about traffic and concentrate on building traffic. Be thankful if you receive any comments positive, negative or indifferent on your blog. If people are staying long enough to read your blog post and comment on it. then you're doing something right.

Hook in a free program like google analytics to keep track of traffic growth and to understand how your visitors are reaching your site where they come from, how often they come new and returning visitors, what search terms they use to find your site and what are the most popular posts they visit.

Once you get an idea of your visitor patterns, you can then go about trying to improve on this by creating more content with reference to the same thing, for example if your most popular post was about a vacation in an exotic location, you may want to do a follow up story about the same place. You could also sell advertising space to tour companies in that area. However, this decision should be consistent with your monetization strategy and your blog theme. if for example, if your blog theme is about digital photography and the vacation post is primarily to illustrate the techniques you used to in taking those awesome shots then another post on the subject of vacations maybe inappropriate.

You should also be willing to spend some time marketing your blog. Those approaches are more fully covered in chapter five. Only consider paid advertisement if you have a serious plan in monetising your web site. However, the most basic technique, which is free except for the time you spend, is to visit other blogs of interest and get involved in the comments section there. Most comments sections provide a field to leave your website address. Participants in the comments section who like what you say may follow back through your link for more information about your blog.

do not, unless the conversation warrants it blindly post links back to your blog. This is considered as bad etiquette and many blog owners will remove such links. This is what is known as comment Spam. For example, if a blog is discussing politics, do not drop into the comments section and say something like please visit my ice cream blog at Keep the comments meaningful and only point to content on your site if you feel that your post on the subject will better illustrate this.

When you find a blog post that you particularly like and wish to write a post on it yourself, make it a point to leave a track back link on the author's original post. a track back provides a convenient method to leave links to your blog on other blogs with similar content. Similarly, visitors who refer to a post on your blog can leave track back links on your site. Track backs and links from other web sites help in improving search engines. Luckily, or unluckily depending on how you look at it , the only way to get quality track backs and links to your blog goes back to the cardinal traffic building rule provide quality content.


Google Ad sense

Where there's a will, there's a way to make money and google is all but handing it to you on a big silver platter. Everyone knows google makes tons and tons of money, and with ad sense, it looks like google's opening the doors to the safe and sharing. of course they're not they're just making more money themselves but like any good Samaritan, are giving you your share as well. so if you're a popular blogger, or own a web page that gets a lot of hits, here's your payoff.

Free money -how?

How does a channel like sun network make money?

how does a news paper like dinakaran or the Hindu make money?

Just in case you didn't already know, the answer is ads. Advertisers pay the channel or the newspaper to have their ads broadcast or prints, as the case may be. The growth of the web meant that it, too, became a profitable media channel. This resulted in the advertisers who previously had their ads on TV or on radio begin to advertise on the web as well. Now here's where a company like google comes in google's
Got a bunch of advertisers dying to advertise on anything that google touches because as we know, anything that google does on the web usually turns to gold. Since ad words already takes up the advertising place on google's search pages, the only place to go is all the blogs and sites that google hosts, that is , google gives out ad space on blogger sites and blogs that it has. this was the case for a while ,until a few months ago these days, ad sense is not restricted to just google sites, any website can host "ads by google"

How does this work?
it involves an application and review procedure :basically, what google does it. it gives all the advertisers who want online space to advertise their stuff the opportunity to do so. and in return for the advertising space on your blog or web page, it gives you the chance to make money.

Now, advertising on the web is a hit dirrernt from advertising in a print publication you don't get money for just placing the ad on your site.

Here’s where the money is essentially there are two ways in which you can get money using ad sense, the first is pay per click (ppc) via this method. you get paid every time someone clicks on an ad on your web page or blog. the second method is pay per thousand impression (ppm) via this method, you get paid a certain amount for every thousand unique page views your web page gets, google has algorithms and formulas that determine what kind of ad PPC AND PPM will get you the highest returns.

Getting cracking

Here’s step by step guide

1. Go to
2. click on the link that says " advertising programs"
3. Take the ad sense tour
4. Click on click here to apply
5. Fill in the form
6. Wait two or three days while google reviews and approves your request.
7. log in to your ad sense account.
8. Click on the ad sense for content tab. there is also the option of ad sense for search, which follows the same procedure.
9. Click on the ad colors tab and select the layout for the ads.
10. Copy and paste the HTML code from the Ad Layout Code tab into your website's temple.
11. Voila, ads on your website


1. Go to
2. Click on the link that says sign up now
3. Fill in the form
4. Wait two or three days while google reviews and approves your request.
5. Log in to your ad sense account.
6. Click on the ad sense for content tab. there is also the option of adsense for search, which follows the same procedure.
7. Click on the ad colors tab and select the layout for the ads.
8. Copy and paste the HTML code from the Ad Layout Code tab into your website's temple.
9. Voila, ads on your website

It really is that simple

Ad sense gives you two ways to make money one is using ad sense for content and the other is using ad sense for search

Ad sense for blogger

Blogger has very simple integrated ad sense into blogs hosted on blogspot. Here’s an easy guide to configure ad sense on blogger.

1. Sign in to your blogger account
2. On your blog's dashboard, click change setting.
3. Click on the template tab and hit the ad sense button
4. The rest is pretty much right there for you to see and of select the "ad format" that you prefer, that is, the ad size on your blog, and then select the colors you'd like the ads to have
5. Click save

So can i keep making money?

Simply put, yes you can keep making money as long as people are clicking the ads on your page. The site that gives people my space templates makes about $100000 a month via ad sense clicks so does that mean you can click on your own ads and it'll count?

Really now, is that even a question to ask? The obvious answer is no. There are tones of people who are caught by the law for click fraud. Essentially, these people, either themselves, or via automated programs, simulate browser clicks on ads. Obviously, for an advertiser, these clicks are useless as they don't result in conversion, and google cracks down on the fraudulent parties. Google themselves give a disclaimer that you can't do, that if done will lead to blacklisting. For example, you can't mention any incentives on your site for clicking on the ads. You can't put ads on sites with pornographic content either.

There have been a lot of controversies about google and its banning policies, with lots of sites being blacklisted from ad sense for seemingly no reason whatsoever, and others getting away scoot free.


so how much can you make with ad sense?
well, basically, the amount you make is entirely dependant on how many people visit your site: the more the visitors, the greater the chance that they will see the ads and , therefore, click them. there are reports of cyber cafe owners in tamilnadu -Salem making $1500 a month.
High value keyword obviously pay a higher amount per click, but that also means that the content you serve has to be related to those keywords. For example, finance related ad sense ads usually pay more than say cricket related ads. However, some ads can pay really low as well. the thumb rule remains, though, that the more the number of visitors to your site, the more money you can make.

as we mentioned before however, there are certain aberrations to the rosy picture, and cases have been reported of people's accounts being blacklisted for no fathomable reason. However, if you're clean, and of course, popular, you can be assured of some extra monthly pocket money!

What is ad words ?

Online advertising commands less than a twentieth of the total ad spending revenue worldwide. in the us, online advertisements generated revenue of $15.6 billion of $263 billion. According to the NY post. With online ad spending growing at a rate of 25 to 30 percent and advertisers shifting ad spending from other media to online advertising is set to grow at a tremendous pace. Ford motors. For example, dropped its budget for print media ads from 23.5 to 21 percent, and increased online ad spending from 3 to 3.5 percent for the year 2006-2007.

Enter google

net giants like google and yahoo. Whose brand name and brand recall is the highest, needless to say, get the lion's share of online ad spending? In 2006, google was expected to get nearly a quarter of the online advertising share in the US, while yahoo. Was expected to grab about 20.7 percent of the chunk.

So what makes advertising on google advantageous when yahoo is the most popular website. With 400 million monthly users? The simple answer is that google commands 50 percent of search hit the world over. With yahoo and msn sliding down to 23.4 and 9.2 per cent respectively for 2006.

Context based advertising on search engines allows companies of all sixes to reach their target audiences. a small company that wants to advertise in a newspaper would have to shell out thousands of rupees for a small ad, which may or may not be looked at by potential customers.

Whereas in context-based advertising. You only pay if the customer, making the money, shows interest spent more worthwhile. Ads are positioned on the sponsored links according to the cost per click set by the adveriser, and also by the number of times users clicked the ad. the position of an ad could go from second or third to first position for a particular keyword.

Let’s take an example to see why online advertising is advantageous. Suppose you have a computer accessories shop in mumbai and want to place an ad. for a size of 2 by 3 inches in the middle pages of a newspaper, it will cost you about Rs.4000 with a leading one, and most of the time, it will be ignored by the reader.similarly,a 10-second slot on a leading TV channel will cost the advertiser Rs.1,80,000.and a 10-second slot will not allow brand recall unless it is shown many times over!

TV also isn’t suitable if your businesses catering to only one city. if you advertise using google's adwords,you can set the budget you think is appropriate, and set the cost per click and also target a region. Since you own a computer accessories shop, keywords relating to your business would be "monitor',"keyboard","mouse", etc.when a net user types in one of these keywords, your ad is shown in the sponsored links column of the search results, and the position of your ad will be according to the cost per click you had set. if your cost per click is lower that of your competitors, the placement of your as will be lower.but,if the number of clicks to your ad is more, the placement of the ad will rise-irrespective of the cost per click!

All said and done, it is obvious that other media cannot be ignored. When a new product is introduced on media such an s TV or radio, it creates an interest in the consumer-which cannot be done online. The reach of TV, radio and newspaper is also far greater than online. at least in countries such as India. Products like beds, food, cars and so on on cannot be sold online. Online advertising can only be good for certain goods and services.

What is ad words ?

Ad words are a trademarked name for google's online keyword based advertisement system. Ad words also refer to the keywords taken by the advertiser for the campaign. Taking the above example, the keywords monitor, keyboard, and mouse are called the ad words. When a google user searches on google by typing in these keywords -which you as the advertiser have chosen the ad appears on the right-hand side of the results page, alongside the generic web search results on the left. The placement of the ad depends upon the cost per click and also according to the relevance of the keyword to your ad, as explained before. Ebay, for example, has purchased hundreds of fast moving consumer keywords such as mobile, phone, laptop, pod and so on. So that when a potential user types in these keywords, he sees the sponsored links. Since ebay also has set a higher price for many of the keywords it has purchased, ebay ads are displayed first in the sponsored ads section.

Remember that even if your site is listed in the organic links section. There is no guarantee that it will be listed in the first few search results. The web link could be in one of the gazillions of pages of the search results.

Sponsored links have the name of the ad as the title followed with a very brief synopsis of the sponsored site. The advertiser sets the title and synopsis of the ad. This is followed with the address to the web site, which, again is set by the advertiser.

Building ad words
There are two ways to sign up for ad words, depending on the type of advertising campaign you are planning.

The starter edition is for advertisers who have a single product or service. This edition is targeted to those new to ad words, and in general to the solo segment. Starter edition offers an easy-to understand interface with a simplified sign-up process to advertise single product of business. an advertiser can choose one or many keywords relating to his ad. Basic reporting like the number of clicks that was registered for the ad, the number of ads that were displayed for that keywords and the cost incurred due to clicks to advertisers advertisement are shown on this editing. One can also target ads to a city, country, or even by language in this edition.

This edition also has templates that assist one in building the ad, by asking a few simple questions. step-by-step procedures allow the advertiser to get tips on what keywords should be selected.

You fix your monthly budget and pay google in your local currency. The more you spend for the keyword; the ad will be displayed more often with higher ad positioning when the keyword is typed into the search engine. This is a bidding process” ads of the highest quoted keywords are displayed more often. With higher ad positioning.

Ad words standard edition has all the features of starter edition with a lot more tools. Here, ads can be targeted to multiple regions at once. Whereas in the starter edition. it is only for one region or one language.

Ad words standard edition has all the features of starter edition with a lot more tools. Here, ads can be targeted to multiple regions at once, whereas in the starter edition. It is only for one region or one language.

When it comes to the pricing of keywords, you have more options than with that of starter edition. Here, you have options of setting the price for each keyword, giving you, the advertiser, more control of how the ad money is spent, and proper strategizing of the ad. For example, for the keywords we mentioned, you could select keyword to be at a higher price per clicking then the rest, thus having the ad displayed more often for keyboard.

The content that goes as the brief description for the ad can also be bid for in this edition, where the highest bidder for keywords can displays a certain set of words relating to the ad.

The placement of the ads-such as second position, also called position preference, can be done with the standard edition.

Ad words standard edition allows you to have multiple products with multiple ad campaigns; with each campaign having many keywords-and each one of these campaigns can run simultaneously.

For example, tata, ad versified company, has multiple products and each product has multiple ads for different regions. The configuration for each a scenario can be done ate the second page.

Extensive report of impressions

Number of times users clicked on your ads

Statistics of impressions and click rates

Billing of yours ads, and custom reports like the region where the most number of clicks were generated, and the time of the clicks most number of clicks were generated, and the time of the clicks graogucak representation of the traffic of certain keyword. it gives you the estimate as to when a particular keyword search was more, like the time of a month or a month of a year.

Keyword tips so as to make the ad pop up more often

An option to get the statistics of keywords, so that you can understand which keyword was used more often in the set of keywords that you chose-allowing you to strategies and plan keywords more effectively. Hints on relevant sites where ads can be placed through ad sense so as to increase traffic to your site.


Create the Gmail Account

1. Go to
2. Click on the link that says, " Create an account"



blogging short for web logging, is the term used for something as simple as maintaining a diary or journal online. For those not in the habit of maintaining a dairy, a blog is a place to jot down thoughts. It can be record of events that can make an interesting read a few years down the line it can be something as mundane as a daily work schedule, or ti can be something at interesting as a daily record of a journey through space.

a blog can be personal a single Peron’s notes or communal. Where a group of individuals contribute, like members of an organisation. Blogs can offer a glimpse into the life of a person, they can be informative, they can be the ramblings of a like-minded soul. in fact, they can be a lot of things, and there are as many reasons to read blogs as there are to maintain one. Given the ease with which a blog can be created online there are free tools to create and host them it is easy to understand the popularity they have attained. Blogger is google’s response to the popular need to blog. while blogger is the tool used to create blogs, the blogs themselves are hosted at blogspot. Comb logger is the result of google's acquisition of pyre labs, the creators of blogger a web logging tool, and blogspot a web log host.

The blogs hosts offer the basic tools needed to maintain a dairy or journal: you need not worry about learning to code. The user interfaces are intuitive, and anyone can master the basics with ease. Adding images and links to other pages are all easily accomplished putting up the page online, also called publishing in most cases just involves a mouse click, previous blog entries are archived for easy access.

While maintaining a blog is similar to maintaining a website people these days tend to prefer blogging sites because of the simplicity. The toughest part of maintaining a diary, of course, is finding something interesting to record. Using blogger

Creating a blog

Blogger can be accessed at you need to sign up to be able to create a blog. you can sign in to blogger using your gmail.ID. Alternatively, you can also create a distinct blogger ID.

like any web page, your blog will have a URL the address by which other will access it. thanks to the popularity of the chances of finding your preferred blog url are slim for example. if your name is an common as kumar, forget about in fact, even forget about so once you have compromised on a URL of your choice, you are presented with a clutch of page styles to choose from. the styles differ in the font, color, and layout, and there is a preview of each. After you have finalized the page style, you can ask google to go ahead and create the blog. Creating the blog is nothing but publishing a web page online.

The page,with the style you choose,could have been manually coded using HTML and scripts. fortunately, all the necessary functions are carried out in the background, leaving your to twiddle your thumbs as the process is gone through. simplicity, like we said, is the buzzword. once the blog is published , it can be accessed at the URL you chose and you can start posting to it.

Adding content

Adding content to your blog is accomplished through the online text editor at editor allows for modifying of the font, font size and colour, applying bolding and italicization, setting paragraph alignment, adding numbers and bullets, and spell checking all at the press of a button. Adding images and links to other pages are also accomplished through the editor. You can also use the familiar shortcut keys to accomplish routine tasks like applying italics ands so on. This feature is common to all google service. Once your post is ready, it needs to be "published" so it becomes available online. You can preview your post before publishing it. Also, the content can be saved as a draft and published later.

Navigating the dashboard

Every time you log into your blogger account, after the first time. You are presented with what is called the dashboard. this is an area where you can see the blogs you already have ,add blogs settings, and add post to a blog.

blogging by email.

RSS {really simple syndication / rich site summary] is a system by which websites can inform their readers when the site is updated through this system a site can create a small file, called a feed, containing information about the updated content. Readers can use feed readers to subscribe to the RSS system of the web site. Feed readers to subscribe to the RSS system of the website.
Feed readers access the site's feed available at a particular URL and display the content to readers who can remain informed of site changes without visiting the site. Most feeds offer only four small part of the updated content, acting as an appetizer for the reader to visit the site to read all the content.

Blogger supports the RSS system, which is enabled by default you can control the feed settings or disable it from the site feed link under the settings tab. the site feed URL displayed on the page is the URL that feed readers need to be directed to access yours blog's feeds. Under the descriptions heading. You can choose to send entire blog posts to subscribers, or just a small part to when their interest so that they visit your blog and read the rest. Akin to the users signature in email article footer is additional text appended to the content in the RSS feed. if you desire to insert an article footer. it can be done in the adjoining text box. Logger also allows you to add an ad sense text ad as article footer.

Publishing options

you can choose to host the blog you create at at some other host besides Blogger allows you to configure the service so that every time you click on the publish button at the blog on the other host gets updated. The server settings are included under the publishing link.weblogs is a blog indexing service that keeps updated information about all blogs. Someone tracking blogs newly created or newly updated blogs can find the latest information at Blogger can be configured to notify web logs every time your blog is updated. This way, your blog will figure in the recently updated blogs list a

Changing templates

The template tab allows you to modify the page layout of your blog. the pick new link offers more page style options than were presented during sign-up.

Customizing the template

nothing speaks more about your dedication to blogging than a customized template. Which requires modifying HTML code and, to an extent, is not recommended for newcomers to blogging. the edit current link allows you to customise the layout. Making money from your blog ad sense is a programme promoted by google that involves putting text ads on to you site and making money every time a visitor to the blogs clicks on the ad. if you intend to convert your blog into a money-making operation. Logger can help you, you can find the option to enable ad sense under the template tab. before you can start making money, you need to sign up for the ad sense programme. Then you can choose the size and colour of the ad box you're willing to show on your blog.